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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy takes great care with your personal information and is never shared without your consent. Everything you need to know about privacy policy and how the law protects you is explained in this privacy policy.

Who We Are? (the “Service”) is run by (from now on referred to as “us,” “we,” or “our”). By reading this privacy policy, you can learn how we handle and apply your personal information when you visit our website. We promise not to share your information with third parties and to handle it as detailed below.

Our Principles

  • Your personal information is protected to the best of our ability, and we never disclose it to third parties without your consent. We take the necessary security precautions when we outsource any processes, so you shouldn’t be concerned about your personally identifiable information.
  • We handle your privacy policy, and you will only receive marketing emails from
  • We may occasionally email you inquiries, reminders, copyright notices, or cautions.
  • We transparently deal with our users, so there are no questions about how we will collect and use your information information. We will only request personal information when it is required for business purposes. We will use your identifiable information where necessary and permitted to be used.
  • Your data is secure with us, and we only use it for the purposes for which it was originally collected.

By accessing our website, you indicate that you accept our policy of collecting and using your data to enhance its functionality and deliver better services.

Website Visitors

Similar to other websites of a similar nature, Healthases obtains user data from web browsers and servers, such as the visitor’s browser type, preferred language, referrer URL, and date and time of visit. This information is insufficient to obtain the user’s personal information, such as his name, address, or mode of payment.

You must not disclose this information to any other websites or businesses. Information is gathered to better understand website users’ purposes, methods, and locations. This data is periodically made available by health cases in aggregate form as reports on site usage trends.

The IP address, email address, name, and password of anyone requesting a subscription or newsletter or leaving a comment on a post will be collected by But nobody outside the company can see this information. Only the website administrator has access to even this data.

Information Collection

Healthases gather various forms of user data based on the user’s interactions with the website. The type of website user will determine how much and how long information is provided. For instance, we might need your email address to subscribe to the website’s newsletters and updates.

We may ask for your email address, name, and website address if you would like to comment on a post. As previously stated, no one will receive this personal information. When leaving a comment on a post, the user also has the choice to withhold any personal information.

Combined Statistics

Occasionally, Healthases will gather statistical data regarding user behavior and activity on the website. The data might be published online or in public forums. However, as previously stated, the business will not divulge personal information to third parties.


This is the data that the website saves on the user’s computer, mobile device, or web browser each time they visit it. The Healthases use cookies to identify users and track their visitation time, location, behavior, and preferred method of website access. Although blocking cookies in the browser is a user option, it is strongly discouraged. Since many functions rely on cookies, some functions will not function properly if the cookies are blocked.

The files, known as cookies, keep visitors’ data safe when they visit our website. We use cookies to monitor your usage of our blog and the personally identifiable information you submit. Cookies are sent to your browser, and once you visit, the hardware of your computer stores all the activity data.

However, you can turn off cookies or enable them through your browser’s settings. You have the option to accept some cookies or reject them all. However, if you reject cookies, certain or all of our websites won’t load.


Most advertising agencies place cookies on your computer for their advertisements on our website. This will enable them to identify users and display adverts based on their interests. The privacy policy covers Healthases’s use of cookies; the advertising company’s use of cookies is not.

Which Legal Guidelines Form the Foundation for Our Processing?

To process your data, we need a legitimate reason for doing so. These permissible grounds for organizations to gather, use, and retain personal data are outlined in the GDPR. Several legal foundations form our basis:

  • If you are one of our visitors—for example, an article reader or an attendee at an event—we will handle your data, assuming we must provide you with our information.
  • Sometimes, we can only process your data with your explicit permission. In situations where you have willingly agreed and “opted-in,” like when you requested to receive marketing emails from us, you are free to revoke your consent at any moment.
  • We may need to process and share your data to fulfill our legal obligations, uphold our legal rights, or safeguard the legal rights of others. For example, to process your membership payment, we need to obtain certain information from you for tax or financial reporting purposes.

Act on Children’s Online Privacy Protection

Children under thirteen will not be allowed to use the Healthases website. We will not voluntarily collect these minors’ personal information. Children occasionally give the website personally identifiable information. The business will take the information down from the server upon request from the parent or graduate.

Guarding Kids’ Private Rights

Our content is meant for a general audience, not children, even though we recognize that some publications may appeal to younger audiences. We have taken proactive measures to guarantee that we abide by all relevant laws and guidelines throughout our portfolio, and we never knowingly gather or communicate with children younger than thirteen for marketing purposes. We also only have one brand. We’ve taken extra precautions, like getting parental permission, to ensure we gather and use this data in compliance with applicable laws.

Californians’ Privacy Rights

This section applies only to California residents. It describes how we collect, use, and disclose personal information about California residents for business purposes and their rights regarding that personal information.

For this section, “personal information” is defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”). It does not include de-identified or aggregated data, data not covered by the CCPA/CPRA, or legally accessible data from federal, state, or local government records.

Modifications to the Privacy Policy

To survive in the contemporary developing world, you must adapt. Periodically, the Healthases will make minor adjustments to the privacy policy. Users are encouraged by to regularly check this page for updates regarding any changes to the privacy statement. You will receive updates and changes to your email address if you have subscribed to the newsletter. Following a change to the policy, your continued use of the website will be interpreted as your acceptance of it.

Click Cookies Twice

As an advertising provider, Google shows you ads through cookies. Double-click cookies allow Google to display ads based on your interests. Cookies are used to track your activity and then display relevant ads. You can stop using this by modifying your Google Ad Settings page preferences.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please email us at

Your Rights Under the Law

Several data protection laws grant you access to the following rights:

  • You are entitled to see and obtain a copy of the personal data we keep on file about you. Furthermore, you have the right to request that any errors in your data be fixed. You can still request that we correct any information that needs to be corrected, even if we update it regularly.
  • It is always possible to request that your data be erased or removed from our system, though there’s a possibility that this request may not be fulfilled immediately. You have the right to object if we use your data for anything.