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How To Get Back Into Running After Gaining Weight?

how to get back into running after gaining weight
how to get back into running after gaining weight

Get Back Into Running After Gaining Weight

We all know what happens when people gain weight after they stop running…they gain even MORE weight! Well, not anymore!

I will show you how to get back into running, lose weight, and keep it off forever.

When you start running again after gaining weight, you might struggle to run fast enough to stay motivated. 

Learn how to listen to your body:

When you begin exercising again, you should do so slowly. If you try to push yourself too quickly, you could injure yourself.

It’s essential to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If you feel pain, slow down until you recover. Pay attention to warning signs.

After you’ve recovered from whatever injury you sustained, continue running at a slower pace. Gradually build back up to your previous speed.

You may lose motivation if you keep pushing yourself too far too soon. That’s okay. Just listen to your body and wait until you’re ready before continuing.

Keep you from starting too early. There’s no rush. Take things slowly, enjoy your time off, and eventually, you’ll be back where you were before.

What to expect and prepare for:

Aches and pains:

If you’ve been injured in the past, you might experience aches and pains while recovering. These are typical symptoms of healing.

Don’t worry about them. They will go away as you continue to exercise.

Lousy food:

Your new diet is likely to include lots of unhealthy foods. This can make it challenging to stick with your plan.

Instead of eating junk food, eat healthy snacks like fruit or nuts. You don’t need much to satisfy your hunger.

Stay hydrated:

Drinking water helps prevent dehydration. It also keeps you feeling full longer.

Keep drinking throughout your workout.

Lack of motivation:

When you first return to running, you might have a different energy level than before you stopped.

That’s perfectly natural. Your body needs time to heal and adapt to its new routine.

Just remember that this is temporary. Eventually, you’ll regain your old enthusiasm.

Weight Gain:

As you become more active, your metabolism increases. This means that your body burns calories faster than before.

This extra calorie burn translates into weight gain.

The good news is that once you reach your goal weight, you won’t have to work as more as complicated to maintain it.

Loss of Fitness:

Another reason why you might struggle to get back into running is that your fitness has decreased.

Before you started running, you probably exercised regularly. Now, you might only be able to walk for an hour without getting out of breath.

You’ll need to increase your activity levels to get back into shape. Start by walking briskly around the block.

The Comparison Game:

One way to help motivate yourself is to compare your current situation to when you last ran.

Think about all the reasons why you used to love running. Then think about all the reasons why you now hate it.

Fear of Injury:

Running is dangerous. Even if you take precautions, there’s always a chance that something terrible could happen.

For example, you could sustain injuries such as sprains, strains, and fractures if you fall over.

There’s also the risk of being hit by a car or attacked by wild animals.

Forcing It:

Trying to force yourself to run is tempting, even though you know it will hurt.

But forcing yourself to do anything is never a good idea. If you push through pain, you’ll end up injuring yourself further.

So instead, focus on listening to your body. When you feel pain, stop exercising.

Set behaviour based goals:

When you set up your goals, think about how you would feel if you achieved them. If you are happy, you should focus on ensuring you achieve them.

If you weren’t happy, you should work towards achieving something else.

You could set small goals along the way so you always have something to aim for.

Or you could go for the ultimate goal and only do things that help you reach it.

Whatever works best for you.

Strive for progress, not perfection:

It’s important to remember that we aren’t trying to lose weight forever. We are simply looking to build muscle mass so our body can better handle the stress of exercise.

When you begin working out again, focus on building strength rather than losing fat. If you do both, you may burn more calories than if you only concentrate on building muscle.

You should feel stronger and more energized by reaching your goal weight. As always, listen to your body and adjust accordingly. Keep yourself within your limits.


In conclusion, gaining weight is never easy, especially after years of dieting and exercising. But if you want to get back into shape, there are plenty of ways to keep motivated without starving yourself or running until you drop.

The most important thing is to know that you will have to change your lifestyle. Instead of focusing on the food you’re eating, focus on the exercise you’re doing. This means cutting back on processed foods, drinking lots of water, and finding activities you love. Once you’ve done these three things, you’ll be able to stay focused on your fitness goals and continue moving forward.

Thanks For Reading

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