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Why Morning Walk Is Important For Diabetes?

why morning walk is important for diabetes
why morning walk is important for diabetes

Why Morning Walk Is Important For Diabetes?

Did you know a morning walk is essential for diabetes? In fact, walking 30 minutes daily helps prevent type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a common disease affecting millions worldwide. It usually occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or uses too much insulin. Insulin is needed to convert sugar levels into energy. When there’s not enough insulin, blood glucose levels rise.

Walking regularly lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol profile, reduces stress and anxiety, and strengthens bones. It also increases the production of growth hormone, which has anti-ageing properties.

Benefits of walking in the early morning:

Walking before breakfast is beneficial for weight loss because it increases metabolism. Walking reduces stress and improves mood. Waking up early gives us time to do something productive before going to work.

It is recommended to start walking 3 times a week for 20 – 40 minutes each session. If you cannot walk for long periods, then try short walks of 10 – 15 minutes. Start slow and gradually build up to a longer duration.

Doing exercise regularly helps reduce risk factors associated with diabetes. Exercise boosts immunity by increasing the production of white blood cells. These cells help protect our bodies from infection and cancer. They also help control cholesterol levels and regulate blood pressure.

Why regular exercise is good for diabetes?

Exercise strengthens muscles and bones, which makes them less prone to injury. Exercising also releases endorphins, natural painkillers that boost mood and improve sleep quality. Endorphins also promote feelings of well-being.

When we walk, our brain gets stimulated, releasing dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and other hormones that give us a feeling of happiness. It also triggers the release of growth hormone, which promotes muscle building and fat burning.

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Walking also lowers blood pressure and regulates heartbeat. It helps lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It controls appetite and prevents overeating.

Walking provides mental health benefits. It relieves depression and anxiety. It also reduces stress and tension. It stimulates creativity and imagination. It enhances memory and concentration.

Walking also improves the cardiovascular system. It decreases the risks of stroke, heart attack and hypertension. It also protects against obesity and osteoporosis.

Walking also helps maintain healthy skin. It prevents wrinkles and sagging skin. It also reduces cellulite and stretch marks. It also helps keep skin hydrated.

Walking also aids digestion. It reduces constipation and bloating. It also helps clear sinuses. It also improves bowel movements.

Walking also maintains good posture. It improves balance and coordination. It also helps prevent backaches. It also strengthens core muscles. It also improves fitness.

Walking also burns calories. It reduces weight gain. It also helps burn fat. It also helps lose belly fat. It also helps reduce waist size.

Why morning walk is essential for diabetes?

Morning walks help reduce stress, improve sleep quality and boost metabolism. They’re also good for your mental health.

Walking regularly reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 50%. If you already have diabetes, regular exercise improves your chances of controlling your condition.

A study published in Diabetic Medicine found that adults who walked briskly for 20 minutes daily reduced their risk of developing type 2 by 33% compared to those who didn’t do any physical activity.

It’s recommended that adults should aim to walk 10,000 steps per day. To achieve this goal, try taking short breaks during your day to move around. Or simply set aside time each week to go for a walk.

Walking Workout for Diabetes:

Diabetes affects nearly 8 million Americans. If you’re one of them, here’s how to start walking.

According to the AHA(American Heart Association), regular exercise reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 50 per cent. If you already have diabetes, moderate aerobic activity—like brisk walking—can help lower your fasting blood sugar level.

It’s recommended that adults with diabetes do 150 minutes of physical activity per week. That includes cardio exercises, like running, biking, swimming, dancing, hiking, walking, etc., plus strength training.

Walk More, Sit Less:

Walking is a too simple exercise that can help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol, reduce stress and boost mood. If you’re overweight, walking may be easier than running because it requires less effort.

It’s also good for your bones, joints, muscles and cardiovascular system. Plus, it burns calories and boosts metabolism.

You’ll find that walking is an excellent form of exercise for most people. But if you’ve got arthritis, knee problems or any other health condition, talk to your doctor before starting a walking program.

A study published by the American Heart Association found that walking 10,000 steps daily reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 40 per cent. And another study showed that walking for 20 minutes five times a week could cut the risk of death from heart disease by 50 per cent.

So, start walking today.

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