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72 Hours Water Fasting: Benefits and Drawbacks

72 Hours Water Fasting

72 Hours Water Fasting: Benefits and Drawbacks

72 hours of water fasting has been linked to several health advantages, such as decreased risk of certain chronic illnesses and weight loss. But it carries several hazards as well, so it might not be appropriate for everyone.

People have been limiting their food intake by fasting for thousands of years. One kind of fasting that limits only water is called a water fast. It has grown in popularity recently as a rapid weight loss method.

Research has indicated that fasting on water may have health advantages. It might reduce the chance of certain chronic diseases, and promote autophagy, a physiological process that aids in the body’s recycling and breakdown of defunct cell components.

Nevertheless, there are surprisingly few human investigations on water fasting. Furthermore, it is not appropriate for everyone and carries several health issues.

An overview of water fasting, including its advantages and risks, is provided in this article at

What Does 72 Hours of Water Fasting Entail?

One kind of fasting is called a “water fast,” in which you only eat water. Most 24-to 72-hour fasts consist of water. Without medical guidance, you should not continue a water fast for longer than this.

A few motivations for trying water fasting are as follows:

  • Religious or spiritual justifications for “detoxing” and weight loss
  • Due to its health advantages
  • Getting ready for a surgical procedure
Water Fasting

The primary motivation for water fasting attempts is health enhancement. Actually, a number of studies have connected water fasting to some amazing health benefits, such as a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and several types of cancer.

Fasting on water has the potential to enhance autophagy, a physiological process that involves the breakdown and recycling of obsolete and potentially harmful cell components.

The water fast is the model for several popular diets, such as the lemon detox cleanse. For a maximum of seven days, the lemon detox cleanses permit you to consume just a concoction of lemon juice, water, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.

Water fasting, however, carries a number of hazards and can be extremely harmful if prolonged.

Overview: Water fasting is a kind of fasting in which you are only permitted to drink water. It carries a number of dangers but is associated with a decreased risk of autophagy and chronic disease.


How Do You Water Fast?

There are no established scientific recommendations for initiating a water fast. Some individuals should not, however, water fast without medical supervision.

This covers those who have eating disorders, gout, diabetes (both types 1 and 2), elderly adults, pregnant women, and children.

It is advisable to spend three to four days getting your body ready for going without meals if you have never done a water fast before. This can be achieved by cutting back on the amount you eat at each meal or by fasting for a portion of the day.

72 Hours Water Fasting for Weight Loss
72 Hours of Water Fasting for Weight Loss

Water Fasting For 24 To 72 Hours

You are not permitted to eat or drink anything other than water when on a water fast. During a water fast, most people consume two to three liters of water per day.

The duration of the water fast is 24–72 hours. Due to health dangers, you should not water fast for longer than this without medical supervision.

During a water fast, some people may feel weak or lightheaded and may choose to refrain from driving and operating heavy machinery to prevent getting into an accident.

After fasting (1-3 days)

You should force yourself not to eat a large meal after the water fast. This is due to the possibility of unpleasant side effects from a big meal right after a fast.

Instead, have a smoothie or a few tiny meals to break your fast. As you get more at ease, you can begin adding larger meals throughout the day.

After lengthier fasts, the post-fast phase assumes particular significance. This is due to the possibility that you have refeeding syndrome potentially lethal illness where the body experiences abrupt fluctuations in its electrolyte and fluid levels.

Usually lasting one day, this phase might take up to three days for those who have fasted for three or more days before feeling comfortable enough to consume larger meals.

Overview: There is frequently a post-fast phase that occurs after a 24-72-hour water fast. Reducing your portion sizes or fasting for a portion of the day can help your body get used to going three to four days without meals if you’re new to water fasting.


After 72 Hours Water Fasting
After 72 Hours of Water Fasting

Possible Advantages of Water Fasting

Numerous health benefits of water fasting have been identified by studies conducted on humans and animals.

These are a few advantages of water fasting for health.

  • Could encourage autophagy
  • Your cells recycle and break down old pieces through a process called autophagy.
  • Autophagy may offer protection against diseases including cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease, according to several animal studies.
  • For instance, autophagy may stop your cells’ damaged components from building up, which is linked to an increased risk of cancer. This might inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Medical Supervision

  • Longer water fasts under medical supervision may help lower blood pressure in high blood pressure sufferers, according to research.
  • Systolic blood pressure decreased after an average of 17 days of water fasting under medical supervision in 48 overweight or obese individuals.
  • It was also linked to reductions in inflammation and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
  • In a similar vein water fasting can dramatically lower blood pressure and body weight in hypertensive individuals.
72 Hours Water Fasting Infographic
72 Hours Water Fasting Infographic

Further investigation is still required to assess the relationship between blood pressure and short-term water fasts (24–72 hours).

  • Could increase leptin and insulin sensitivity
  • The hormones insulin and leptin have a significant impact on the body’s metabolism. While leptin promotes feelings of fullness, insulin aids in the body’s ability to store nutrients from the bloodstream.

According to research, fasting on water may increase your body’s sensitivity to insulin and leptin. These hormones work better when they are more sensitive.

Effects of Water Fasting

For instance, a higher sensitivity to insulin indicates a more effective blood sugar-lowering mechanism in the body. Being more sensitive to leptin in the interim may reduce the likelihood of obesity by improving your body’s ability to interpret hunger cues.

May reduce the likelihood of a number of chronic illnesses. Water fasting has been shown to potentially reduce the risk factors associated with chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

3 days water fasting comparison
3 days water fasting comparison

Thirty healthy adults fasted on water for twenty-four hours as part of a 2013 study. They had far reduced blood triglyceride levels after the fast, which is a risk factor for heart disease. A little investigation shows that water fasting may shield the heart from harm caused by free radicals.

Parts of cells can be damaged by unstable chemicals called free radicals. They are recognized to be involved in numerous chronic illnesses. Furthermore, research on both humans and animals has shown that water fasting may decrease genes that help in the growth of cancer cells. Additionally, it might enhance the effects of chemotherapy.

Remember that the effects of water fasting in humans have only been examined in research. A human trial is required before suggestions may be made.

Overview: Water fasting has been shown to increase autophagy and reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. Still, the majority of research comes from short-term or animal studies. We need further research before we can suggest it.


water fasting risks
water fasting risks

Risks and Perils of Fasting On Water

Water fasting has hazards to one’s health even though it might have certain advantages.

Here are several risks and concerns associated with water fasting.

  • It might shed the incorrect kind of weight
  • A water fast limits calories, therefore you’ll probably drop a lot of weight fast.
  • Regretfully, water, carbohydrates, and even a tiny bit of muscle mass may account for a large portion of the weight you lose at the beginning.
  • It might cause dehydration
  • You could become dehydrated from a water fast, despite the odd seeming name. This is because food accounts for 20–30% of your daily water intake.
  • You may not be receiving enough water if you are drinking the same quantity but not eating.


  • It can cause several symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, constipation, low blood pressure, and decreased energy. You might need to drink more than usual to prevent dehydration.
  • It could encounter orthostatic hypotension


  • Hypotension can result from water fasting-induced dehydration.
  • Hypotension in orthostatic posture is a dip in blood pressure that occurs when you abruptly get up, and it can cause light-headedness, dizziness, and even fainting.
  • Orthostatic hypotension during a fast may require you to abstain from heavy machinery use or driving. An accident could result from the fainting risk and dizziness.
  • If these symptoms occur during 72 hours of water fasting, this kind of fasting might not be the best choice for you.
  • Fasting on the water can cause several worse medical issues.
  • Despite being somewhat brief, there are certain conditions that water fasting may make worse.
  • Individuals who suffer from any of the following medical issues shouldn’t water fast without first consulting a doctor:
effects of water fasting
Know the most common effects of water fasting

Gout: Skipping water can raise the formation of uric acid, which is a risk factor for gout attacks.

Eating disorders: Research suggests that fasting may make certain persons more likely to engage in disordered eating practices.

Overview: Water fasting carries several risks and hazards in addition to potential health benefits. For instance, water fasting may increase your risk of many health issues such as dehydration, muscle loss, and blood pressure fluctuations.


Is It Possible To Lose Weight By Water Fasting?

Water fasting is a kind of fasting that can help in weight loss. It does, however, carry several health hazards.

Intermittent and alternate-day fasting is likely more beneficial than water fasting for 24–72 hours if you wish to experience the benefits of fasting together with weight loss.

These fasts have comparable health advantages and can be maintained for far longer because they let you eat, which lowers the chance of nutrient deficits.

Overview: Although a water fast can help in weight loss, other fasting methods provide the same advantages while carrying less danger.


Is it possible to lose weight by water fasting
Is it possible to lose weight by water fasting


A common form of fasting that can offer some health advantages is water fasting. The majority of water fasting’s health advantages, meanwhile, have only been shown in experiments on animals; people may not have the same outcomes.

There are other risks associated with water fasting as well, particularly if you fast for more than three days or have a medical condition like diabetes or gout.

Try safer techniques like alternate-day or intermittent fasting for weight management if you wish to reap the health benefits of fasting. These fasts are simpler to stick to over time since they let you eat some food during them.


What happens after 72 hours of water fasting?

3 days of water fasting, or a 72-hour fast, can have different impacts on the body. First, your body will use the glycogen that has been stored as fuel, which will lower your blood sugar levels. The body enters ketosis as the fast progresses, burning fat as fuel.

In a 72-hour water fast, how much weight can I lose?

The individuals’ bodies used fat stores as energy during the first 72 hours of the experiment, resulting in an average loss of lean mass and fat mass of roughly 12.5 pounds. After the first three days of eating after the fast, the lost lean mass was regained, but the fat mass was not.

Is 72 hours of water fasting a smart idea?

What if I will lose weight by doing 3 days of water fast? A useful strategy for natural healing, weight loss, and general well-being is the three-day water fast. But it’s important to proceed cautiously when fasting, particularly for people who are unfamiliar with it or have pre-existing medical issues.

What is the safe number of fasting days?

Consider capping your fast times at 24 hours or less and keeping food on hand in case you start to feel lightheaded or sick to protect yourself, especially if you are new to fasting. As soon as possible, cease fasting if you do become sick or have health concerns.

When should I end my fast?

Here are several bodily indicators that it’s time to break your water fast. It could indicate that your body isn’t receiving enough blood flow or glucose if you feel lightheaded or dizzy. In extreme situations, this may result in fainting. If you see any of these symptoms, break your fast and get help if you need it.


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