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30 Day CrossFit Workout Plan [PDF]

30 day crossfit workout plan
30 day crossfit workout plan

Workout Plan

Are you ready to start CrossFit? In this guide, I’ll show you my favorite workouts for beginners.

Many different types of exercise programs are available today. Some people enjoy running marathons, while others love going to the gym. For some, working out means lifting weights, while others prefer yoga. Whatever type of fitness program you choose, there is always room for improvement.

If you’re new to exercising, you may not know what exercises work best. I put together this simple 30 Day CrossFit Workout Plan for Beginners.

30-Day CrossFit Workout Plan:

CrossFit is a popular form of strength training that combines elements from weightlifting, gymnastics, calisthenics, and aerobic conditioning into a single workout.

It’s designed to improve overall health by building muscle mass, improving cardiovascular endurance, and increasing metabolic rate.

I’ve been crossfitting for almost four years, and I’m still learning daily. If you’re looking for a fun and effective way to work out, check out my 30-Day CrossFit Workouts below.

Day 1 – Chest & Back:

Warm up with 10 minutes of cardio followed by 20 minutes of dynamic stretching. Then perform 5 rounds of pushups, squats, lunges, and burpees. Repeat twice.

Day 2 – Legs & Abs:

Warm up with 15 minutes of cardio followed by 25 minutes of static stretches. Perform 3 sets of leg presses, leg extensions, calf raises, and leg curls. Repeat twice.

Continue with the same exercises as above.

Day 3 – Shoulders & Traps:

Warm up with 20 minutes of cardio followed by 35 minutes of dynamic stretching. Perform 4 sets of shoulder presses, overhead presses, lateral raises, and triceps kickbacks. Repeat twice.

On days 4–6:

continue with the same exercises as before.

Day 7 – Core:

Warm up with 40 minutes of cardio followed by 50 minutes of static stretches. Do 6 sets of plank, side plank, bridge, and core stability. Repeat twice.

Continue with the same exercises as before.

Day 8 – Arms & Biceps:

Warm up with 45 minutes of cardio followed by 60 minutes of dynamic stretching. Do 4 sets of barbell bench press, dumbbell bench press, Lat pulldown, and bicep curl. Repeat twice.

Continue with the same exercises as in the previous two weeks.

Day 9 – Trunk & Hips:

Warm up with 55 minutes of cardio followed by 65 minutes of static stretches. Perform 4 sets of deadlifts, squats, lunges, and hip thrusts. Repeat twice.

On days 10-12: 

Repeat Day 2 & 3 Exercises.

Day 13 – Cardio:

Warm up for 20 minutes with cardio, followed by 25 minutes with dynamic stretches. Do 3 sets of jog/run, jump rope, or elliptical machine. Repeat twice.

Repeat the same warmup routine as on day one.

Day 14 – Rest:

Rest your body completely. Don’t do any physical activity except walking around the house.

Day 15 – Cardio:

Rest your body completely. Don’t do any physical activity except walking around the house.

Day 16-30:

Repeat all the exercises from Day 1 to Day 15.

CrossFit Workouts For Weight Loss:

workout routine 

The CrossFit workouts are designed to be challenging, so you can lose weight while having fun! The workouts are short enough that they won’t leave you feeling exhausted after just a few sessions. You will burn fat during these workouts because you exercise intensely for only about 45 minutes.

You may find it difficult to stick to the program if you have been sedentary for several weeks. If you need some motivation, try watching the videos in our free online fitness library.


This article was written to provide a simple 30 Day CrossFit workout plan. It inspires fitness enthusiasts to embrace change and challenge themselves daily.

I’ve included a variety of movements that will help you get started with your first CrossFit workout. You can use these exercises as a starting point and add more to your schedule.

This plan includes three days per week of strength training and one day of cardio. Each workout lasts about 20 minutes, and you should be able to complete all of them.

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